what’s to know about developing a corporate volunteer program in the middle market

What’s To Know About Developing A Corporate Volunteer Program In The Middle Market?

In Strategy Resources by Brandt A. HandleyLeave a Comment

As your Middle Market company has grown and evolved, likely your policy or thoughts on giving and donating has as well. In the past, you may have been rather fluid with employee volunteerism, which worked. However, when you reach a certain size, you may see the need to organize a policy or program. There are many advantages and benefits to having a set program – both for your organization and your employees. Also, becoming more organized generally makes your efforts more beneficial to the groups you assist.

What Your Middle Market Company Gains From Corporate Volunteer Programs

Clearly, when you focus on having a solid structure in place with a program, you will be making an impact in your community. Not only will your communities benefit, which benefits everyone in the community in some capacity, your employees and organization benefit from being a positive force. As you build connections between your entity and different organizations, you help your employees to network with like-minded volunteers and charitable employees. Many will develop life-long affiliations with organizations. The ripple impact can’t really be measured.

You’ll also typically find some interesting things – people who might never mingle internally could form a great connection through your volunteer program. Natural mentorship situations could occur, or even just great friendships with people employees might have little interaction with can spring up. Also, your Middle Market company usually sees a spike in morale, happiness and employee engagement. Why? When your employees know you care not just about your organization and not just even about them, but about the community and the world at large, they want to be more enmeshed in it.

What Your Middle Market Organization Should Think About Before Starting A Corporate Volunteer Program

The first thing you need for any project is a goal, and a reason and volunteerism is no different. What is the point of what you are doing? What do you hope to achieve? Next, figure out what the parameters and logistics are. Will your program run continuously or be specific sprint periods during the year? Will employees be given paid or unpaid time off or expected to volunteer time outside of working hours? How will your entity participate – will you donate time, funds or both? Do you want to partner with organizations or have fewer restrictions?

By spending some time thinking through the less interesting parts of the program, you’ll set it up for success by being prepared. Next, start thinking about organizations that need assistance in your area. Which can your Middle Market company make a true impact with? Are there any natural synergies between what you do and organizations in need? Have some meetings and find out what the needs are and how you could best assist – don’t rely on your assumptions about what would be beneficial.

Making It Work

If you want anything to be a success, you need to drum up excitement for it. Your Middle Market company should treat this program the same way. Get employee feedback and input before you make solid decisions. Find out what organizations they hold near and dear and how they would like to help. Give options so that everyone can participate – no matter their skills, interests, time abilities, etc.

A Corporate Volunteer Program can be a rewarding, effective community building effort when implemented effectively. Your Middle Market employees and organization can benefit as much as the organizations you help.

So what’s in the Mighty Middle Market for me? – get it right now at www.Go4ROI.com.

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