strategic partner or piggy bank

Middle Market Strategic Partner Or Piggy Bank? Your Bank Can Be Both!

In Financing Resources by Brandt A. HandleyLeave a Comment

As an organization grows, meetings with the bank can, in turn, be positive and not so positive depending on how the balance sheet is looking. However, as things level out and you’ve grown into the Middle Market, you likely have developed a more comfortable relationship. And, watching your bottom line grow is certainly a happy experience. However, we believe your bank and banking staff can be much more than just the keepers of your finances.

Middle Market Strategic Partners & Consultants

If your Middle Market organization’s bank is smart and effective, it could and should be offering you much more than money storage and lending opportunities. Your bank should be looking to be your long-term strategic partner and consultant. Why? Well, it certainly behooves them for you to be successful and more profitable. Also, happy customers tend to stick around longer and bring in more customers than unhappy ones. So, if your bank isn’t taking the time to get to know you and your business and putting forth the effort to help you grow and improve…it’s probably time to do some bank shopping.

One Stop Shop For Your Middle Market Organization

If you are partnered with the right bank, they likely are offering you much more than checking, savings, and loans. Investments, merchant services, POS services, etc. are just a few services you could explore. Banks with more services and partners allow you to keep your financial relationship under one “umbrella.” Often, they offer more integrations and a better overall picture of your financial health. Plus, you will likely get quantity or “family” discounts.

The Bigger, Bigger Picture For Your Middle Market Company

Imagine you need capital and you go to the bank to get it. They say yes and you walk away happy. Sounds great, right? Now, imagine you’ve had a series of conversations with your bank about how you want to grow in the short, middle and long-term. They know exactly what mile-markers to look for and when you will need access to more credit, alternative financing, etc. and they know what pitfalls could spring up. They’ve already set things in motion so when you have needs you can easily access exactly what you need exactly when you need it. They have evaluated the best options so you aren’t taking or paying too much. In short, they’ve helped you lay out how you plan to grow and designed what you’ll need to achieve it. Sounds like a much cleaner path for your Middle Market needs!

Advice, Training, Education And More For Your Middle Market Teams

Maybe you do not have a CFO and don’t foresee having one in the future. Perhaps your C-Suite is made up of just one person – and financial whiz isn’t one of your many hats. If you’ve developed a great relationship with your bank, they may be able to assist you with financial literacy in many regards. From education for yourself or family members to assisting select employees, by developing a deep relationship with your bankers, you may have access to a lot of education, training, and advice you might not normally. It likely will be free or reasonably priced when you have a relationship. And, they may be able to offer some suggestions for complimentary services like legal, marketing, investing, etc.

At the end of the day, having a deeper, stronger relationship with your bank and bankers typically can only be beneficial for your Middle Market organization. By letting them become strategic partners, you can reap the rewards and strengthen your finances.

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