Molly Sargent is Founder & CEO of ProImpress, a dynamic keynote speaker, a master facilitator and author of the forthcoming book, Mastering Authentic Influence™. Since 1985, Molly has successfully trained and coached tens of thousands of Trusted Advisors and teams (and the leaders who love them) to wield greater, positive influence in their client-facing and colleague-collaborating exchanges — face-to-face, voice-to-voice, pen-to-pen.
As a business owner and corporate consultant since 1997, Molly’s roles have included: sales, sales management, curriculum and course design, meeting facilitation, front-line employee training, leadership training and development, executive development & coaching, strategic consulting, organization change management, and project management.
The focus of her training and coaching is on helping Trusted Advisors and Trusted Experts make the most of precious facetime with clients and colleagues, increasing their influence during hard-won sales calls, high-risk presentations and hard-charging collaborative problem-solving sessions. Thanks to her highly discerning clients over several decades, Molly designed – and truth-tested – the no-nonsense training that makes up the ProImpress curriculum. The flagship programs include: Mastering Authentic Influence™ (sell), Presenting Yourself & Your Ideas with Impact™ (present), Dynamic Team Problem-solving™ (teams), Leader as Coach™, Leader as Change Champion™ (coach) and Leader as Culture Carrier™(peer-coach).
More recently, as an outgrowth of her Leadership & Transformation Coaching Certification from the Hendricks Institute in Ojai, CA, she began teaching her course participants how to successfully and pragmatically leverage mindfulness practices in everyday business exchanges; for instance, she began demonstrating the power of breath to help ground nervous impulses in negotiations. She playfully refers to this research-supported curriculum as “Spinach in the Cookies,” so named because these “extra skills” are mixed into every core training from ProImpress.
Molly earned her Bachelor’s degree and a teaching certificate from Penn State University, and spent a year teaching at the Center for English as a Second Language in France. She has earned numerous Certifications and Master Certifications in training and executive coaching. A key specialty is organizational culture transformation—aligning behavior with corporate strategy and realizing better business results. Over the years, she has worked alongside representatives of McKinsey, The Boston Consulting Group and others to translate their recommendations from written reports into measurable behavior change on the job.
Molly feels passionately about the work of her company and team: “There’s a bigger game at play here. Busy, accomplished professionals don’t always want to stop what they’re doing to focus on how they’re doing it. Yet, I’m convinced that by waking up super-smart professionals to the benefit (and the practice) of being more intentional in their communications, not only will their workplace relationships (and results) improve, their personal connections will deepen, as well.”