new approach to management & development

Do You Need A New Approach To Management & Development?

In Leadership Resources by Brandt A. HandleyLeave a Comment

Is your Middle Market organization getting all that it can from management and leadership? Do you feel your approach to personal and team development is successful? If the answers are no, you may want to look at revamping your approach to developing your employees and leadership.

How To Measure Success

To be fair, it is hard to know if you are being successful in anything if you don’t have metrics in place to track results. Employee, management, and leadership development fall into the categories of things that might be hard to quantify.

But, you can track your retention or turnover rates and you can gather information from your teams and leaders to see if they feel your programs and approach are successful. If your programs are elective, you can also track how many people start and finish them. Before you know what problems to fix, you’ll need to spend some time compiling information and numbers.

How To Change Your Approach

There are many paradoxes in business and leadership in particular. You want to give employees freedom, but you have to keep control of many things to be successful. You want to encourage individual progress but also want employees to pull together and work as a cohesive team. Your Middle Market company likely wants more collaboration, but doesn’t want to give up the efficiency you currently have for more meetings and learning curves.

So, to begin with, you’ll want to know exactly what it is you are hoping to achieve. If your goal is more empowered, independent thinkers, you can see that you’ll need to work into a point of giving more control and freedom to employees.

If you truly desire a team mentality, you’ll need to work on rewarding team efforts and curb the competition inducing aspects of individual recognition most companies use. Again, find what exactly it is you want to achieve and reconfigure the necessary parts of your business to achieve those goals.

What To Do When You Don’t Know What You Want

Perhaps you know you don’t like your current situation but aren’t sure what exactly it is you’d like to see for your Middle Market company. Maybe, you’ve tried a few things and they haven’t worked to plan. Whatever the case, when you aren’t sure how to move next, the best thing to do is start asking for help.

Talk to peers and mentors who’ve been in similar situations. Ask your employees and leaders for their input and suggestions. Maybe it would be a good time to form a board of advisors to help explore your possibilities. Or, it could be that an outside expert opinion is what is needed.

No matter what route you end up going, spending time thinking about how you could improve your management and employee development in your Middle Market organization will be worth it in the long run.

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