focus on energy efficient offices

Focus On Energy Efficient Offices To Cut Waste And Improve The Bottom Line

In Technology Resources by Brandt A. Handley

No matter what you feel about global warming and dwindling resources, focusing on reducing your Middle Market organization’s carbon footprint and energy needs have a big impact – to your bottom line.

Offices and equipment are expensive to purchase or rent, run and maintain and any route you can take to improve efficiency and cut costs is typically welcome.

So, when you look at reducing your organization’s impact on the world, it can seem like a daunting task, but it doesn’t need to be.

Start Small

First of all, if your organization doesn’t have a wide-spread plan for reduction or recycling of resource usage, now is the time to start.

  • Ensure every employee has a recycling bin and knows recycling protocols
  • Install recycling stations throughout your buildings for paper, glass, plastic, and metal
  • Set automatic sleep modes for electronics – printers, monitors, computers, etc.
  • Train employees to turn off lights in infrequently used spaces like bathrooms and closets
  • Make sure all lights and equipment are turned off during off hours
  • Reduce paper usage and utilize cloud storage, scanning, and electronic signatures
  • Taking It A Step Further

    Then, once your Middle Market company has implemented the easiest to implement processes, you might be looking for further ways to save resources and costs.

    Consider implementing:

  • A plan to replace all older equipment and electronic devices with energy-saving models
  • Updates to breakroom appliances & adding water-saving plumbing devices
  • Installation of motion sensors and LED replacement bulbs
  • HVAC systems that automatically dial down heating and cooling in off-business hours
  • Reduction plans for printers, fax and copy machines
  • Outsourcing services like printing and mailing
  • Big Changes

    Certainly, small changes that have minimal impact on your business and employees are the first places to start. Thus, as your Middle Market organization implements some of the suggestions, you may find that your business and employees demand larger-scale changes.

    Some big changes could be:

  • Reducing office space through office sharing or telecommuting initiatives
  • Decentralization of production or warehouse locations to cut back on shipping costs
  • Outsourcing to cut back on staff, space and resource needs
  • Large-scale monitoring and programming products to cut back on energy use
  • How To Successfully Implement Changes

    No matter what your Middle Market firm focuses on, you must gain employee buy-in if you want to be successful. Therefore, the less negative impact your employees face, the more likely they will be to participate. Employees who are interested in your initiatives and motivated to participate ensure greater success.

    Ways To Engage Employees

  • Make energy efficiency and resource reduction part of your yearly business planning
  • Work with teams of employees to gather feedback and suggestions
  • Hold contests or offer rewards for innovations that reduce energy or resource usage
  • Educate employees on recycling services, energy reduction products for work & home
  • Deciding to focus on reducing your Middle Market companies waste and energy reliance is not only good for the environment but your budget. Making small first steps and building off them is an easy win for you, your employees and the world at large.

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