cultivate strong supplier and vendor relationships

Why You Need To Cultivate Strong Supplier And Vendor Relationships

In Strategy Resources by Brandt A. HandleyLeave a Comment

Aside from being good business practice, having strong relationships with your suppliers and vendors offers your Middle Market organization many benefits. Maybe you make sure you pay ahead of schedule and always feel you have an open door should they have issues, however, cultivating a strong relationship needs to go much further. How you view and treat vendors and suppliers could impact areas of your business you haven’t explored.

Why Robust Relationships Are Beneficial

Just as you have many customers, your suppliers and vendors likely have numerous companies and individual they work with. At any given time, they are dealing with similar issues to those of your organization – production & delivery complications, customer service issues, marketing and sales needs, employee satisfaction, profits, etc. Knowing all this, still many companies view vendors or suppliers as little more than a necessary aspect of their business rather than trusted partners or resources.

Why? Well, it’s easy to feel you are a customer and therefore always right. You are paying them for a service or products and that means they are somewhat beholden to you. It isn’t wrong or bad to feel this way, but more an incomplete picture. Yes, they are providing you a service and you pay for it. But, that doesn’t mean that they don’t have more to offer you or that your companies can’t be more collaborative, it just takes a shift in perspective.

A well developed, strong relationship could mean you get choice or priority of products and services. Perhaps it could lead to more of a say in how they develop and create items for your Middle Market firm. Having a collaborative relationship means they may be more comfortable offering suggestions or working to address issues or pain points. When you become a customer of choice, you open a lot of doors to help your vendors and suppliers become partners and that can be extremely powerful. You can learn from each other, you can inspire each other and you hopefully can develop a relationship that is much more mutually beneficial.

How To Cultivate And Develop Closer Relationships

First, understand that you can’t have these types of relationships to the same degree with everyone. Some companies don’t have the abilities, infrastructure or desires to develop a further relationship with your Middle Market firm. So, take some time to evaluate each vendor and supplier individually. Look for areas of synergy or improvement in your current relationships. Figure out what it is you’d like to see and how each party can go about providing the solutions.

Next, talk with your vendors and suppliers openly. Explain the type of relationship you’d like to develop and how you feel it will benefit them. Don’t make demands or even ask for what it is you need. If you can make it a valuable proposition, they’ll likely come up with many ways it can be beneficial to your company.

Starting a dialogue about your desires will typically lead to meetings and further collaborations. Again, it may not end up working out with each vendor or supplier but that is fine. If you have good relationships already, there isn’t any harm done. If you decide you wanted or needed a better response, it may help clarify if you need to look in a different direction for your products and services.

Strong relationships with vendors and suppliers for your Middle Market organization can be beneficial in many ways. Taking the time to explore and strengthen your relationships will be worth your efforts.

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