asking the right questions when you evaluate your financials

Are You Asking The Right Questions When You Evaluate Your Financials?

In Financing Resources by Brandt A. HandleyLeave a Comment

A big part of any business is financial information. You probably constantly are asking the same sets of questions. Are you making money? What is your net and gross? How much you pay in taxes, etc. To be successful and stay running, your Middle Market firm needs a good relationship with your numbers. But, many organizations track surface numbers and stop short of getting very granular. They are certainly keeping an eye on the numbers that form the overall picture of their company’s financial health. However, they aren’t getting the full picture or use from the data they track.

Why Get Granular

For starters, like the old saying goes, “The devil is in the details.” If you track and understands every nuance of your finances, you’ll have a lot of powerful data in your hands. Knowing the tiniest details can help you to make better decisions about every aspect of your organization.

Want to grow, reduce costs, or increase sales success? Full financial understanding will be key for success.

Beyond today, does your Middle Market company plan on being up for sale in the future? If so, you can be sure a buyer will want to know many details about your finances. They’ll go far beyond your sales and P&L sheets. If you plan to sell your organization, start tracking information potential buyers will want access to. Providing substantial data will be a key factor in attracting quality buyers.

What To Consider Tracking

There are numerous data sets you could be tracking. What you decide upon is formed both by short-term and long-term plans and goals.

That being said, there are some general areas to focus on when you want to increase how robust your financial data tracking is.

  • Individual customer revenue data, including all costs associated
  • Data & profitability for projects and individual products
  • Individual salesperson profitability
  • If you aren’t sure what information you’d like to add or what might be important to potential buyers, it might be time to consider bringing in a consultant or forming a board of advisors to help guide your efforts.

    How To Use Your New Data

    What additional data you choose to track and what your ultimate goals are will inform the decisions on how to use your data. If your ultimate goal is greater profitability from each customer, you may use the data you gather to cut costs associated with individual customers or find ways to increase sales to them. Or, you may decide some customers aren’t worth the costs you incur to support them.

    If you are looking to sell your organization, you may use the data to cut your costs, improve efficiency and become more profitable in general.

    No matter what data you decide to track and how you use the information you gather, your Middle Market organization can only benefit from getting more granular.

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