Chad Jenkins is the President & CEO of SeedSpark.
Chad’s bio:
I bring a distinctive blend of attentive listening, curiosity, and strategic principles to the forefront of business innovation. My mission lies in the relentless pursuit of that elusive ‘secret sauce’ that drives businesses to soaring heights of growth and prosperity.
Horses were my initial foray into the world of business, instilling the foundational lesson of non-verbal communication and cooperation.
The lessons learned from equine entrepreneurship naturally extended to my landscaping business in middle school, which flourished for some time before I sold it to focus on a rapidly expanding new venture.
The success of these ventures in my younger years was a practical application of what would later become the Growth FlyWheel principles™.
By 21, I became part of a revolutionary retail concept in partnership with Purina — America’s Country Store. My role there segued into a pivotal alliance with Nextel Communications, where the applications of my unique methodologies pushed me to become the top distributor in the Carolinas within just eighteen months.
It was through observing the friction customers experienced with billing that I spotted another opportunity — a service to rectify billing inaccuracies, saving my clients millions and securing a substantial competitive edge.
My success at Nextel Communications propelled me into the software domain with the inception of SeedSpark, a venture dedicated to equipping clients with strategic advantages.
Today, SeedSpark stands as my primary venture, fostering partnerships and providing services that embody the very principles of my successful entrepreneurial blueprint.
At the core of my SeedSpark Growth FlyWheel™ approach exist three frameworks:
🔵 Remove the FILM™: A strategy that peels back layers of inefficiency to reveal a clear path to improvement.
🔵 Just Add A Zero™: An audacious goal-setting tactic that propels businesses toward ambitious growth.
🔵 100X Collaborations™: Leveraging partnerships to amplify impact and reach exponential success.
This triad of principles has proven transformative as I collaborate with industry leaders to identify and capitalize on growth opportunities, overcome barriers, and create formidable competitive advantages.
With a vision that goes beyond conventional business wisdom, I am humbled to be a catalyst for change, growth, and innovation in the entrepreneurial world.