Does your Middle Market organization excel at spotting natural leaders “in the wild”? Do you have structures in place to help develop excellent leadership from potential? If you aren’t nodding yes now, you may want to consider changing your situation as soon as possible. Why? Superior leaders make major differences and likely several helped you get to the Middle Market. To keep growing and to stay relevant in the market – to both customers and prospective employees – you need excellent leaders.
Thinking Outside The Norm For Your Middle Market Leaders
If you always think of a leader as someone in a 3-piece suit, you may be missing out on much raw talent. Likewise, if you are in manufacturing and think your leaders can only come from the Operations side of the business, they are slipping through your fingers. You need to become adroit at looking for and snapping up people with innate abilities if you want a superior team of leaders. Moreover, they may not always come in the package you’re accustomed to.
What Is Exceptional Leadership In Your Middle Market Company?
Start defining what qualities make an exceptional leader – both to you personally, to your C-Suite, and to your organization. When you can say, “A leader for our organization must exhibit XYZ tendencies and a superior leader will also do ABC” you’ll be able to keep your eyes and ears open for talent in every situation. Learn what it looks like when someone is adept at leading a team or developing individual talents. Figure out how your top leaders get a group of exhausted and upset employees back on track with a smile on their faces. Observe quality leadership and document what makes them unique.
Don’t Hesitate When You Find Superstar Leaders In Your Middle Market Firm
Being able to find great leaders or know what skills and talents they have is just the first part. You have to act quickly, even when you do not have roles for them to move into. Exceptional leaders are typically not going to hang around until an organization is ready for them. True, you cannot create a new position every time a natural leader comes through your doors. However, you can work on career paths and training programs which help your talented employees know you value them and want to see them succeed in the future. You can work on developing their raw skills and tendencies while figuring out where they can play a role in your organization.
Creating a talent pipeline like this helps ensure you can cover gaps when employees leave and it means you’ll always have new leaders ready to assume key roles if you expand rapidly or go through a merger and acquisition. Figuring out ways to utilize and develop people with superior natural leadership qualities whenever you spot them could give your Middle Market Company a competitive advantage.
Incredibly successful organizations know leaders come from every walk of life and every part of their organization. They are quick to spot, snatch up and develop exceptional leaders to keep a steady pipeline of talent at hand. Your Middle Market organization can benefit by using the same techniques.
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