Embracing Christian Values

Embracing Christian Values in a Secular Workplace: A Path to Cohesion and Success

In Leadership Resources by Brandt A. HandleyLeave a Comment

Integrating personal beliefs with professional responsibilities can sometimes present challenges in today’s diverse and dynamic work environment. However, it is possible to be driven and led by religious beliefs while leading secular organizations.

Shared Values vs. Shared Faith
When Mike Sharrow, CEO of the C12 group, reflects on his experiences, he emphasizes the significance of aligning personal faith with corporate ethos, because the two often complement each other. “I remember one boss…he and I couldn’t be more opposed spiritually in any way, but he said ‘Man, I trust the moral compass your faith gives you, and that gives me a lot of trust in giving you responsibility in our company.’” Mike’s question: instead of focusing on religion, why don’t we look at values? “What if we actually look for the values we want and then teach the business to those people?”

Lilian Radke, CEO of UnicPro, echoes the benefit of values-based hiring as opposed to hiring only people of a similar religious persuasion, even for a publicly religious company. “It’s not that we only hire Christian employees, nothing like that. But during the onboarding process, we share with them our values and that we are a Christian company.” That enables them to hire based upon shared values–a philosophy that pays off in dividends. “In our industry,” Lilian says, “Turnover is so normal, it’s basically 85%. Our turnover? 13%.”

Faith Principles Without the Verses

Mark McClain, co-founder and CEO of SailPoint Technologies, has a narrative that adds depth to the discussion by illustrating the harmonious coexistence of diverse faith perspectives within a values-driven framework. “What I had was a set of founders who all shared the same moral and ethical views–not all shared the same faith worldview…but, we all were aligned around values. If you read our values, you’ll recognize some Christian things there, but there are no verses or scripture that are attached to them, they’re just concepts and principles.”

Embracing Christian values in a secular workplace can foster cohesion, trust, and organizational success. By acknowledging and respecting the diverse beliefs of employees, companies can cultivate an inclusive environment where individuals feel valued and empowered, even if the company’s values are rooted in faith.

It’s important to note that the integration of Christian values does not necessitate proselytization or exclusion. Rather, it involves embodying principles that resonate with individuals across faith backgrounds, contributing to a shared sense of purpose and unity. By embracing these values, companies can nurture a culture of authenticity, integrity, and respect, ultimately driving sustainable growth and positive impact in an increasingly complex and interconnected world.

Want to hear more faith-based CEO stories? Check out our faith-based CEO podcast series!

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